Friday, November 11, 2016

Love lives now

I originally shared these thoughts directly on Facebook. I have reposted them here without edit in case it is more helpful to anyone in this format. Here is the link that I refer to throughout: "Day 1 in Trump's Americait is also available at the bottom of this post.

This is a long post that is the result of a lot of thoughts and tears, I'd appreciate if you would read what I wrote and click on the link if you're able. 
The link at the bottom of this post and the post itself are full of triggers. If you are experiencing trauma in the aftermath of “Day 1” because you have already seen too much of this or experienced some of these things yourself or have family and friends that have (or really, whatever reason you might name) please know that I think you are strong and brave for setting boundaries by not clicking this link. Know that I am praying for you and our country as we seek justice and healing together. I would love to sit with you and hear from you if you would like for me to. 
As a straight, white, Christian woman who works from home and has not had to face any of these realities first hand (yet) I made myself read through all of the collection linked below because, right now, in this particular moment, this is how I can stand with people. 

I share this because these tweets and reports are examples of why I woke up sobbing at 6:00am Wednesday morning when I faced the official news that Donald Trump is our President Elect. 

It is not his actual presidency and whatever he may or may not be able to accomplish that are my highest concern as I begin to process and live this new reality. What overwhelms me with sadness and anger is this: our brothers and sisters who are made in the image of God and who live in this country are facing fear and hatred as they are in their homes, as they go to work, school, the doctor, the grocery store, and fill up their cars with gas. This is not a new fear or hatred that they are facing, but it is more violent, more prevalent, and (I assume) feels more inevitable. As a woman over the past months I have felt increasingly less safe in this country. But even with that said, I know that I am privileged and only barely understand the breadth of the fear and anger and overwhelming sadness that is gripping so many in America now. So that is why I read and listened to what is included in the link below and why I will keep carving out space to do so as more reports emerge, and as my friends feel safe to share with me. Because I need to hear them. I need to cry. I need to feel, as much as I can, what my neighbors are feeling. Because without that emotional connection, that empathy, I cannot be sure that my blood will boil enough to get me past my fears so that I can face attackers by walking up and standing with the woman in the hijab at the gas pump as they mock her and assault her. Without this empathy and righteous anger building within me, I cannot speak up without wavering when I hear someone say to a Mexican that they cannot wait for a wall to be built. I am afraid that I will be silent again as I have been too many times before. 

If you are a Christian, regardless of who you did or did not vote for, this is our task. This is our call - it has always been our call - as followers of Christ we, like Jesus, stand with the marginalized and attacked and oppressed. We say that our Father’s Kingdom is different and there is enough love flowing from it to touch and include even those who do not know Him personally. We love others because He first loved us. Followers of Christ, my prayer and hope and desperate longing is that we will be the church and welcome the hurting and the broken hearted. Put our arms around them in the gas station parking lot and absorb some of the insults and abuse. Let ourselves be present to this violent reality because only then can we begin to stand up to the injustice and hatred that is so prevalent. 

As I have prayed and processed over the past few days I have been comforted by our particular hope. It is this: 

Love has won. Love was betrayed by his friends. Love was nailed to the cross. Love was dead for three days. Love rose again and lives now. Love. Lives. Now. And Love reigns into an eternity where there is no more pain and suffering. But until that time is fully realized Love doesn’t shy away from standing in the way of stones, or touching those who the religious leaders deem unclean or unworthy. Love loves neighbors. 

The faces in the link below, they are our neighbors. Hear our neighbors' cries. See our neighbors’ wounds that need to be doctored. Offer our neighbors a safe place to rest so they can heal. Do not pass by on the other side of the road. 

Love has won. Not so that we can feel good, but so that we can extend our Love to others.

Friends, if you need to process and talk through what I have said or what you have seen in this link or whatever else may be going on in your heart and mind, send me a message or give me a call. I am praying for us all to experience the reconciliation, justice, and healing that only Christ can offer. 

And friends, if I have added to your pain through moments when I was silent, or didn't say enough, or was awkward, or I avoided an injustice that you face every day, know that I am sorry and I ask for your forgiveness. If you are ever ready or want to, I would be humbled if you would allow me to sit and hear from you. I am trying to love you better. 

There are many things we will face in the coming days, let's try to honestly and lovingly face them together. 

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.