Monday, May 27, 2013

somewhere between Waco Dr. and IH35

I’ll be blunt. I did not want to spend three years in Waco. As with many things in my life I saw my time at seminary as a stepping stone to get to the next goal. In my case, overseas somewhere sharing the Gospel and helping meet local needs whatever those might be. I trace this negativity back to an A&M vs. Baylor football game with an Old Ag…apparently there is some DEEP rivalry here…mostly one sided from the best I can tell…but let’s just say it mirrors our attitude toward “T.U.” and just like most longhorns don’t really give much thought to Aggies…neither do we toward Baylor, but they certainly think about us. [I feel it is important to point out here that we won that game. And although I myself did not purchase a “Sucks to B.U.” t-shirt…I still smirk every time I see one as it hits that soft spot in my heart for clever digs.]
But I digress. This Old Ag gave me a forewarning of some, shall we say, persecution as I arrived in Waco at the end of last summer. Every swipe of my A&M debit card tied to every sidelong glance at my Aggie Ring deeper ingrained my distaste for this place God called and provided for me to be for three years. Add to that the illogical city planning that when coupled with my ever deteriorating sense of direction left me lost in corners of the city I’m not sure anyone else has traipsed. Then I found out 3 years isn’t even a realistic amount of time to finish my MDiv…it is going to be more like 4.
One day when complaining about the weather (as I write this I wonder how anyone puts up with me at all with all of this complaining and negativity) my roommate said that she has a hard time complaining about the weather because God created it and for some reason allows it to be whatever it is.
So with this God-centered attitude ringing in my ears (which at the time I was probably annoyed about, let’s be real) I set back out to school or to try to find the grocery store or something. As I reached the crest of the hill on Valley Mills between Waco Drive and IH35 I was suddenly overwhelmed with the truth that God created Waco. God created the people that call it home. God provided in incredible ways to give me the opportunity to know God better in this place at this time. God loves Waco and I should too.
I’ve found lately that God likes to introduce a big idea to me and then let it marinate for a bit as little, daily things transform that idea into a belief and eventually into a lifestyle. Today as I drove through Austin past all of the places and things I have loved my whole life I realized that I love Waco. And it’s hard to articulate why. I just do. I love my school, which to be honest I still just think of as Truett and not Baylor…but maybe that will change one day. I love my church; I love the genuine community, the honesty, the desire to serve God purely and cut out things that hinder that pursuit. I love my friends and their stories and how God has intertwined them into mine. I love the farmers’ market. I love the old buildings downtown, and the ducks that refuse to eat the stale bread or over-salted WingStop fries that I throw at them. I love my jobs; I love getting to be a part of something bigger than myself at Waco Habitat and that God allows me to use my talents and passions there, I love that I get to research the topic of missions even when I’m not in any missions classes. This process of loving Waco has helped me love God deeper, or maybe loving God deeper has helped me love Waco. I don’t know, maybe it is both.
This time is not a stepping stone. There is no goal other than learning to love God deeper every day as I learn how to love the things God loves and has placed me amongst here and now.

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